Cambio al 29 de octubre de 2023 -VacPacked con toda mi marcha de PVC, impermeables, pijamos delantal y sábanas de PVC
1,846 83%
I managed to just wing it despite my pelvic pain and man was I glad I did. This was a very fun and extremely intense session, managed to make one rebreathing run last 5 minutes and a few four minute runs and a bunch of three minute runs. Adding slowly layer after layer of PVC for the finale I had 26 layers of PVC gear on top of me. I was squeezed completely out of sight, the only way to communicate was by squirming a bit and speaking calling for air when I needed it. What a delightful intense and sweaty session, I came out dripping in sweat! I love PVC gear, forgot all my lead aprons so I'll have to do this one again one day but with all my lead aprons HUEHUEHUE
Transcripción de vídeo
Hola a todos, así que he decidido que voy a improvisar a pesar de no haber tenido la cirugía
Y todo así que esperemos que nada terrible salga mal y yo pueda hacer el jueves
sesión de sesión
El tirón para el jueves está fuera, que va a ser el HiViz LifeVest delantales de PVC, el MLB
El equipo de Umpires con protectores de piernas, mis delantales de plomo y todos mis frenos, collarín y